
This function inserts one row (rorm_db_insert) or multiple rows (rorm_db_inset_bulk) into the given the database with the given values.


db DBHandle

Reference to the Database, provided by rorm_db_connect.

transaction DBTransactionHandle

Mutable pointer to a transaction, can be null.

model FFIString

Name of the table to insert into.

columns FFIArray!FFIString

Array of columns, corresponding to row values to insert into the database.

row FFIArray!FFIValue

List of values to insert, indexes matching the columns parameter.

callback DBInsertCallback

Callback to call when finished, only passing in error information.

context void*

context pointer to pass through as-is into the callback.

**Important**: - Make sure that db, model and condition are allocated until the callback is executed.

This function is called from an asynchronous context.
