- DBConnectCallback
alias DBConnectCallback = void function(void* context, DBHandle handle, scope RormError error) nothrow
- DBDeleteCallback
alias DBDeleteCallback = void function(void* context, ulong rowsAffected, scope RormError)
This function deletes rows from the database based on the given conditions.
- DBInsertCallback
alias DBInsertCallback = void function(void* context, scope RormError)
This function inserts one row (rorm_db_insert) or multiple rows
(rorm_db_inset_bulk) into the given the database with the given values.
- DBQueryAllCallback
alias DBQueryAllCallback = void function(void* context, scope FFIArray!DBRowHandle row, scope RormError)
- DBQueryOneCallback
alias DBQueryOneCallback = void function(void* context, scope DBRowHandle row, scope RormError)
- DBQueryOptionalCallback
alias DBQueryOptionalCallback = void function(void* context, scope DBRowHandle row, scope RormError)
This function queries the database given the provided parameters.
- DBQueryStreamCallback
alias DBQueryStreamCallback = void function(void* context, DBStreamHandle stream, scope RormError)
This function queries the database given the provided parameters.
- DBRawSQLCallback
alias DBRawSQLCallback = void function(void* context, scope FFIArray!DBRowHandle rows, scope RormError)
This function executes a raw SQL statement.
- DBStartTransactionCallback
alias DBStartTransactionCallback = void function(void* context, DBTransactionHandle handle, scope RormError)
Starts a transaction on the current database connection.
- DBStreamGetRowCallback
alias DBStreamGetRowCallback = void function(void* context, DBRowHandle row, scope RormError) nothrow
Fetches the next row from the stream. Must not be called in parallel on the
same stream. Returns Error.NoRowsLeftInStream when the stream is finished.
- DBTransactionCommitCallback
alias DBTransactionCommitCallback = void function(void* context, scope RormError)
- DBTransactionRollbackCallback
alias DBTransactionRollbackCallback = void function(void* context, scope RormError)
Rollback a transaction and abort it.
- DBUpdateCallback
alias DBUpdateCallback = void function(void* context, ulong rowsAffected, scope RormError)
This function updates rows in the database.
- FFIString
alias FFIString = FFIArray!(const(char))
Representation of a string.
- RuntimeShutdownCallback
alias RuntimeShutdownCallback = void function(void* context, scope RormError)
- RuntimeStartCallback
alias RuntimeStartCallback = void function(void* context, scope RormError)
This function is used to initialize and start the async runtime.
- ffi
FFIString ffi(string s)
FFIArray!T ffi(T[] s)
FFIArray!T ffi(T[n] s)
helper function to create an FFI slice of a D native array/slice type.
- rorm_db_connect
void rorm_db_connect(DBConnectOptions options, DBConnectCallback callback, void* context)
- rorm_db_delete
void rorm_db_delete(DBHandle db, DBTransactionHandle transaction, FFIString model, const(FFICondition)* condition, DBDeleteCallback callback, void* context)
This function deletes rows from the database based on the given conditions.
- rorm_db_free
void rorm_db_free(DBHandle handle)
Closes all of the database connections and frees the handle. No database
operations may be pending when calling this!
- rorm_db_insert
void rorm_db_insert(DBHandle db, DBTransactionHandle transaction, FFIString model, FFIArray!FFIString columns, FFIArray!FFIValue row, DBInsertCallback callback, void* context)
- rorm_db_insert_bulk
void rorm_db_insert_bulk(DBHandle db, DBTransactionHandle transaction, FFIString model, FFIArray!FFIString columns, FFIArray!(FFIArray!FFIValue) rows, DBInsertCallback callback, void* context)
This function inserts one row (rorm_db_insert) or multiple rows
(rorm_db_inset_bulk) into the given the database with the given values.
- rorm_db_query_all
void rorm_db_query_all(DBHandle handle, DBTransactionHandle transaction, FFIString model, FFIArray!FFIColumnSelector columns, FFIArray!FFIJoin joins, const(FFICondition)* condition, FFIArray!FFIOrderByEntry orderBy, FFIOption!FFILimitClause limit, DBQueryAllCallback callback, void* context)
- rorm_db_query_one
void rorm_db_query_one(DBHandle handle, DBTransactionHandle transaction, FFIString model, FFIArray!FFIColumnSelector columns, FFIArray!FFIJoin joins, const(FFICondition)* condition, FFIArray!FFIOrderByEntry orderBy, FFIOption!ulong offset, DBQueryOneCallback callback, void* context)
- rorm_db_query_optional
void rorm_db_query_optional(DBHandle handle, DBTransactionHandle transaction, FFIString model, FFIArray!FFIColumnSelector columns, FFIArray!FFIJoin joins, const(FFICondition)* condition, FFIArray!FFIOrderByEntry orderBy, FFIOption!ulong offset, DBQueryOptionalCallback callback, void* context)
This function queries the database given the provided parameters.
- rorm_db_query_stream
void rorm_db_query_stream(DBHandle handle, DBTransactionHandle transaction, FFIString model, FFIArray!FFIColumnSelector columns, FFIArray!FFIJoin joins, const(FFICondition)* condition, FFIArray!FFIOrderByEntry orderBy, FFIOption!FFILimitClause limit, DBQueryStreamCallback callback, void* context)
This function queries the database given the provided parameters.
- rorm_db_raw_sql
void rorm_db_raw_sql(DBHandle db, DBTransactionHandle transaction, FFIString query_string, FFIArray!FFIValue bind_params, DBRawSQLCallback callback, void* context)
This function executes a raw SQL statement.
- rorm_db_start_transaction
void rorm_db_start_transaction(DBHandle db, DBStartTransactionCallback callback, void* context)
Starts a transaction on the current database connection.
- rorm_db_update
void rorm_db_update(DBHandle db, DBTransactionHandle transaction, FFIString model, FFIArray!FFIUpdate updates, const(FFICondition)* condition, DBUpdateCallback callback, void* context)
This function updates rows in the database.
- rorm_row_free
void rorm_row_free(DBRowHandle row)
Frees the row handle given as parameter.
- rorm_row_get_binary
FFIArray!(const ubyte) rorm_row_get_binary(DBRowHandle handle, FFIString column, RormError ref_error)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- rorm_row_get_bool
bool rorm_row_get_bool(DBRowHandle handle, FFIString column, RormError ref_error)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- rorm_row_get_date
FFIDate rorm_row_get_date(DBRowHandle handle, FFIString column, RormError ref_error)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- rorm_row_get_datetime
FFIDateTime rorm_row_get_datetime(DBRowHandle handle, FFIString column, RormError ref_error)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- rorm_row_get_f32
float rorm_row_get_f32(DBRowHandle handle, FFIString column, RormError ref_error)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- rorm_row_get_f64
double rorm_row_get_f64(DBRowHandle handle, FFIString column, RormError ref_error)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- rorm_row_get_i16
short rorm_row_get_i16(DBRowHandle handle, FFIString column, RormError ref_error)
- rorm_row_get_i32
int rorm_row_get_i32(DBRowHandle handle, FFIString column, RormError ref_error)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- rorm_row_get_i64
long rorm_row_get_i64(DBRowHandle handle, FFIString column, RormError ref_error)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- rorm_row_get_null_binary
FFIOption!(FFIArray!(const ubyte)) rorm_row_get_null_binary(DBRowHandle handle, FFIString column, RormError ref_error)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- rorm_row_get_null_bool
FFIOption!bool rorm_row_get_null_bool(DBRowHandle handle, FFIString column, RormError ref_error)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- rorm_row_get_null_date
FFIOption!FFIDate rorm_row_get_null_date(DBRowHandle handle, FFIString column, RormError ref_error)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- rorm_row_get_null_datetime
FFIOption!FFIDateTime rorm_row_get_null_datetime(DBRowHandle handle, FFIString column, RormError ref_error)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- rorm_row_get_null_f32
FFIOption!float rorm_row_get_null_f32(DBRowHandle handle, FFIString column, RormError ref_error)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- rorm_row_get_null_f64
FFIOption!double rorm_row_get_null_f64(DBRowHandle handle, FFIString column, RormError ref_error)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- rorm_row_get_null_i16
FFIOption!short rorm_row_get_null_i16(DBRowHandle handle, FFIString column, RormError ref_error)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- rorm_row_get_null_i32
FFIOption!int rorm_row_get_null_i32(DBRowHandle handle, FFIString column, RormError ref_error)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- rorm_row_get_null_i64
FFIOption!long rorm_row_get_null_i64(DBRowHandle handle, FFIString column, RormError ref_error)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- rorm_row_get_null_str
FFIOption!FFIString rorm_row_get_null_str(DBRowHandle handle, FFIString column, RormError ref_error)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- rorm_row_get_null_time
FFIOption!FFITime rorm_row_get_null_time(DBRowHandle handle, FFIString column, RormError ref_error)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- rorm_row_get_str
FFIString rorm_row_get_str(DBRowHandle handle, FFIString column, RormError ref_error)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- rorm_row_get_time
FFITime rorm_row_get_time(DBRowHandle handle, FFIString column, RormError ref_error)
Undocumented in source but is binding to C. You might be able to learn more by searching the web for its name.
- rorm_runtime_shutdown
void rorm_runtime_shutdown(ulong timeoutMsecs, RuntimeShutdownCallback callback, void* context)
- rorm_runtime_start
void rorm_runtime_start(RuntimeStartCallback callback, void* context)
This function is used to initialize and start the async runtime.
- rorm_stream_free
void rorm_stream_free(DBStreamHandle handle)
Frees the stream given as parameter. The stream must be in a freeable state.
- rorm_stream_get_row
void rorm_stream_get_row(DBStreamHandle stream, DBStreamGetRowCallback callback, void* context)
Fetches the next row from the stream. Must not be called in parallel on the
same stream. Returns Error.NoRowsLeftInStream when the stream is finished.
- rorm_transaction_commit
void rorm_transaction_commit(DBTransactionHandle transaction, DBTransactionCommitCallback callback, void* context)
- rorm_transaction_rollback
void rorm_transaction_rollback(DBTransactionHandle transaction, DBTransactionRollbackCallback callback, void* context)
Rollback a transaction and abort it.