
Undocumented in source.

Public Imports

public import dorm.api.condition;
Undocumented in source.



TSelect unwrapRowResult(ffi.DBRowHandle row)

Extracts the DBRowHandle, optionally using JoinInformation when joins were used, into the TSelect datatype. TSelect may be a DormPatch or the model T directly. This is mostly used internally. Expect changes to this API until there is a stable API.

TSelect unwrapRowResult(ffi.DBRowHandle row, string placeholder)

Unwraps the row like the other unwrap methods, but prefixes all fields with <placeholder>_, so for example placeholder foo and field user would result in foo_user.

TSelect unwrapRowResult(ffi.DBRowHandle row, JoinInformation ji)

Extracts the DBRowHandle, optionally using JoinInformation when joins were used, into the TSelect datatype. TSelect may be a DormPatch or the model T directly. This is mostly used internally. Expect changes to this API until there is a stable API.


DBBackend (from dorm.lib.ffi)
public import dorm.lib.ffi : DBBackend;
Undocumented in source.
DormPatch (from dorm.types)
public import dorm.types : DormPatch;
Undocumented in source.

Mixin templates

mixintemplate SetupDormRuntime(alias timeout = 10.seconds)

Sets up the DORM runtime that is required to use DORM (and its implementation library "RORM")

Static functions

SelectOperation!(DBType!(Selection), SelectType!(Selection)) select(DormDB db)
SelectOperation!(DBType!(Selection), SelectType!(Selection)) select(DormTransaction tx)

Starts a builder struct that can be used to SELECT (query) data from the database.


struct ConditionBuilder(T)

This is the type of the variable that is passed into the condition callback at runtime on the SelectOperation struct. It automatically mirrors all DORM fields that are defined on the passed-in T Model class.

struct ConditionBuilderField(T, ModelFormat.Field field)

Type that actually implements the condition building on a ConditionBuilder.

struct DBConnectOptions

Configuration operation to connect to a database.

struct DormDB

High-level wrapper around a database. Through the driver implementation layer this handles connection pooling and distributes work across a thread pool automatically.

struct DormTransaction

Wrapper around a Database transaction. Most methods that can be used on a DormDB can also be used on a transaction.

struct ForeignModelConditionBuilderField(ModelRef, ModelFormat.Field field)

Helper type to access sub-fields through ModelRef foreign key fields. Will join the foreign model table automatically if using any fields on there, other than the primary key, which can be read directly from the source.

struct ForeignModelOrderBuilderField(ModelRef, ModelFormat.Field field)

Helper type to access sub-fields through ModelRef foreign key fields. Will join the foreign model table automatically if using any fields on there, other than the primary key, which can be read directly from the source.

struct NotConditionBuilder(T)

Helper type to quickly create field == false conditions for boolean fields.

struct OrderBuilder(T)

This is the type of the variable that is passed into the orderBy callback at runtime on the SelectOperation struct. It automatically mirrors all DORM fields that are defined on the passed-in T Model class.

struct OrderBuilderField(T, ModelFormat.Field field)

Type that actually implements the asc/desc methods inside the orderBy callback. (OrderBuilder) Defaults to ascending.

struct PopulateBuilder(T)

This is the type of the variable that is passed into the populate callback at runtime on the SelectOperation struct. It automatically mirrors all DORM fields that are defined on the passed-in T Model class.

struct PopulateBuilderField(ModelRef, ModelFormat.Field field)

Helper struct

struct PopulateRef

Internal structure returned by the PopulateBuilder, which is passed to user code from the populate method on a SelectOperation. Internally this works by setting the include flag on the internal join info structure that either already exists because of previous condition or ordering operations or generates the join info structure on-demand.

struct RawRow

Allows column access on a raw DB row as returned by db.rawSQL.

struct RawSQLIterator

Helper struct that makes it possible to foreach over the rawSQL result.

struct RemoveOperation(T : Model)

This is the builder struct that's used for delete operations.

struct SelectOperation(T, TSelect, bool hasWhere = false, bool hasOffset = false, bool hasLimit = false)

This is the builder struct that's used for select operations (queries)

struct UpdateOperation(T : Model, bool hasWhere = false)

This is the builder struct that's used for update operations.
