
Helper type to access sub-fields through ModelRef foreign key fields. Will join the foreign model table automatically if using any fields on there, other than the primary key, which can be read directly from the source.

Just like ConditionBuilder this automatically mirrors all DORM fields of the _foreign_ table, i.e. the referenced model type.

This type is returned by the ConditionBuilder. It does not define any members itself, it only defines all members of the referenced Model to be accessible. When operating on the primary key that is referenced to from the ModelRef foreign key, no join operation will be enforced, as the data is stored entirely in the table with the foreign key.



alias RefDB = ModelRef.TModel
Undocumented in source.


mixin ForeignJoinHelper
Undocumented in source.
mixin DynamicMissingMemberErrorHelper!("foreign condition field", "`ForeignModelConditionBuilderField` on " ~ RefDB.stringof ~ "." ~ field.sourceColumn)
Undocumented in source.

Mixed In Members

From mixin ForeignJoinHelper

this(string srcTableName, ConditionBuilderData* builderData)

Constructs this ForeignModelConditionBuilderField, operating on the given data pointer during its lifetime

From mixin DynamicMissingMemberErrorHelper!("foreign condition field", "`ForeignModelConditionBuilderField` on " ~ RefDB.stringof ~ "." ~ field.sourceColumn)

auto opDispatch()
Undocumented in source. Be warned that the author may not have intended to support it.
