- between
Condition between(L min, R max)
- equals
Condition equals(V value)
- exists
Condition exists()
- greaterThan
Condition greaterThan(V value)
- greaterThanOrEqual
Condition greaterThanOrEqual(V value)
- in_
Condition in_(V value)
- isNotNull
Condition isNotNull()
- isNull
Condition isNull()
- isTrue
Condition isTrue()
- lessThan
Condition lessThan(V value)
- lessThanOrEqual
Condition lessThanOrEqual(V value)
- like
Condition like(V value)
- notBetween
Condition notBetween(L min, R max)
- notEquals
Condition notEquals(V value)
- notExists
Condition notExists()
- notIn
Condition notIn(V value)
- notLike
Condition notLike(V value)
- notRegexp
Condition notRegexp(V value)
- regexp
Condition regexp(V value)
Type that actually implements the condition building on a ConditionBuilder.
Implements building simple unary, binary and ternary operators: - equals - notEquals - isTrue (only defined on boolean types) - lessThan - lessThanOrEqual - greaterThan - greaterThanOrEqual - like - notLike - regexp - notRegexp - in_ - notIn - isNull - isNotNull - exists - notExists - between - notBetween